We make loans for the purchase or refinancing of land, facilities, construction or remodeling. This includes improvements such as barns, outbuildings, fencing, ponds or lagoons. Throughout the life of your loan, you will be dealing exclusively with us.
We can finance your livestock purchases for start up, replacement and expansion needs. Payment plans are structured to coincide with your cash flow.
We make loans for the purchase or refinancing of equipment, machinery and vehicles. Loan terms can be structured to match the lifetime of the equipment. Payment plans can be structured to coincide with your cash flow.
Operating Loans/Crop Production
We offer financing for general operating needs such as inventory, fuel, labor or other expenses needed for the operating year. The loan terms can be structured as a revolving line of credit or one time use. When using a line of credit, interest is paid only on the funds you use. Payment plans are structured to coincide with your cash flow.
We can help you grow your ag business and manage the unexpected with a line of credit.